Frequently asked Questions


Who are the Original owners of these accounts?

The accounts listed on our Page Are ALL ours, every single account is created by hand and by the team @

How does purchasing an account work?

Purchasing an account is easy as it gets, once payment is made you will receive full information, such as original email the account was registered to (if it has one) creation date, IP / ISP it was created on etc.

Do any of the accounts have previous offenses bans or anything?

No every single account was made by us by hand and on a residential proxy.

Do you guys buy OSRS accounts? I have a nice pure for sale!

No absolutely not we do not buy any sort of accounts nor do we trade them period.

How long till I receive my account once I’ve made the purchase?

5 - 15 minutes depends on the payment method you’re using.

What payment methods do you guys accept?

Crypto and OSRS GP. Due to Charge backs we no longer offer payment methods such as Paypal, Skrill etc for Account sales. We had too many charge backs people would High level accounts from us and mass bot them until they got banned and charge back on us.


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